The communication between Narsingdi and the capital Dhaka is fairly good. The distance from Dhaka to Narsingdi is 57 km. Railway is easier as it takes only one hour fifteen minutes from Kamalapur Railway station, Dhaka, to Narsingdi Railway Station. There are 10 railway stations in this district. Although Sylhet and Chittagong traffic trains traveled through Narsingdi, only ‘Mahanagar’ offers stoppage in Narsingdi. However, Brahmanbaria bound 'Titas Commuter' and Kishoreganj bound ‘Egarosindhur’ offer stoppage here.
Along with the public buses on the road, many luxurious and air-conditioned buses travel by Dhaka-Narsingdi highway (basically Dhaka-Sylhet highway). Besides, buses enroute to Kishoreganj, Brahmanbaria, Habiganj, Sylhet, Maulvi Bazar, Sunamganj districts travel through Narsingdi. Dhaka-Narsingdi highway takes one and half hour without traffic congestion.
The transportation between the upazillas and the district administration chiefly relies on buses. The local transportation system of upazilla and union is good. The local transports include bus, tempo, scooter, rickshaw etc. However, there are also river routes in some union of Raipura and SadarUpazilla.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS